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Award-winning, strategic Creative Director specialising in brand identity, brand world and brand strategy. Creating integrated visual identities and design systems across graphic, digital, motion and three-dimensional space. Creativity is hard to harness. It needs a leader to ignite a spark for the creative team and a trusted partner to make strategic sense for the business. Part art, part science.


Integrated Agency
of the Year

Global Independent Agency of the Year
Hunter Design
Pulse Creative
Framework Design


Creative Pool Judge 2024
Drum Roses Juror 2023

2 x Transform Awards
6 x Marcom Platinum Awards
1 x Marcom Gold Award
5 x Creative Pool Awards

1 x Drum Finalist
3 x FSForum Marketing Awards
3 x Loerie Finalists



Paul Vosloo
07541 511 337

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Here are seven things you should know about my design thinking.
The secret sauce that shapes what I see and how I decode and create. Design principles for life and beyond.

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The best studios are filled with humour, creatives are masters of observation and seeing the invisible. Laughter is the secret weapon but Einstein said it best “Play is the highest form of research”

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Design boils your tea and moves you from A to B, it plasters the tube walls and gets you to your departure
gate on time. Design changes the way we interact, how we communicate, how we listen to music and
what we wear. It builds tribes and cult followings. Design is everywhere. Part art. Part science.

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All decisions are made through an emotional lens. Without emotion even the best proof points are
reduced to drying paint. A gun powder spark sent a steel rod through the brain of Phineas Gage.
He survived and lived a productive life but couldn’t make any logical decisions. Turns out the steel
rod had pierced the part of his brain that controlled emotion.

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Design allows you to be a creative polymath. Starting out on a project where you think you know
the answer is miserable. I’m a life-long learner with a penchant for rabbit holes. A writer, dreamer
and designer, a thinker, observer and connector, an artist, creator and maker, with an ego that would
fit in my pencil case.

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Fear is where the growth lies, or the start of a cool story. It leads you to new answers and disruption.
It starts from a place of discomfort. Nothing new or category defining starts at safe. Fear heightens
the senses and creates creative tension. It drives the project forward and leads to unexpected magic
and serendipity.

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Set your intention to create the extraordinary, but allow for mistakes. They bring spontaneity,
a sense of humanity, and a sense of magic. Mistakes open you up to serendipity and chance.
But don’t leave it to chance…plan for magic. Create the environment and allow it to flourish.
Too much structure creates conformity.

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I decode complexity into simple and simple into beautiful. Helping brands reduce the space
between where they are and where they want to be. Connecting dots no matter how far apart.
Creating brands that put people at the centre of the brand experience to drive behavioural change.
I believe each business problem has an inherent truth. Find the truth and you find the silver bullet.

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Copyright © Paul Vosloo 2025
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